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Exploring The New Hindmarsh Site

February 10, 2020
Smiles all around as everyone made the journey over to Hindmarsh last week to have a look around at Mobo Groups brand new head office. Showing everyone around the new site was a good opportunity to get everyone comfortable and familiar ...

Construction is in full swing at new Hindmarsh Property

January 21, 2020
With all hands back on deck for construction at our new Hindmarsh property, it won`t be long at all until Mobo Group makes the big move! These past weeks have been busy with the completion of the first fix services, as well as ...

Construction Ongoing For New Hindmarsh Location

December 02, 2019
Week three of construction was a big one at our new and upcoming Hindmarsh property with so many new updates to share! This past week has seen the completion of several tasks such as: underground plumbing services for ...

Fun Focus Postpones Company Picnic

November 29, 2019
It is unfortunate that we have postponed our Mobo Company Picnic scheduled for Sunday December the 1st 2019, but to have FUN we must reschedule. The purpose of the company picnic is to maximise the opportunity for us to bring the broader ...

Hindmarsh Construction Updates

November 25, 2019
Two weeks into constructions at our new Hindmarsh property, and we`re thrilled to share the new updates with everyone. During this past week work has been conducted on tasks such as: tidying up the doorways which were cut larger, ...

Government House Garden Party

November 18, 2019
His Excellency the Governor Hieu Van Le and Mrs Le hosted a Garden Reception on Thursday 14th November for the organisations of which they are Patrons or are otherwise closely and formally associated. The purpose of the event is for His ...

Construction Works Begin at New Hindmarsh Location

November 18, 2019
Last week construction works begun at the new Hindmarsh property. Works commenced on the toilet amenities demolition, the movement of two outdoor condensers, the removal of kitchen dividing wall, widening of the two doorways, installation ...

South Australia’s First State Disability Inclusion Plan

November 06, 2019
Inclusive SA was launched on 1 November 2019 and is the South Australian Government`s first State Disability Inclusion Plan and Mobo Group were delighted to be a part of it. Mobo Group CEO, Andrew Ramsey said this announcement could ...

Mobo Group Hindmarsh Construction Works

October 29, 2019
I am pleased to confirm that construction works are soon to commence at Hindmarsh with the building contract having been signed with Partek Constructions. Works are planned to be completed by the first week of February, with our actual ...

Initiative and Potential

October 23, 2019
You have a choice. You can either be: (a) The person that everyone sees as having so much potential, that you could be anything you want to be. A lawyer, doctor, president, astronaut. There are no limits. You have the potential to be and ...

The Attitude and Enthusiasm Difference

October 22, 2019
Is it an attitude of enthusiasm that makes a difference, or is it the environment which influences the attitude and level of enthusiasm in people? This is yet another chicken and egg question. What comes first? And, does it matter? One of ....

Mobo Group Support the Disability Royal Commission

September 03, 2019
In April the Government announced the establishment of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Mobo Group supports the Royal Commission because we understand everyone in our community ....

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Exploring The New Hindmarsh Site

Construction is in full swing at new Hindmarsh Property

Construction Ongoing For New Hindmarsh Location

Fun Focus Postpones Company Picnic

Hindmarsh Construction Updates

Government House Garden Party

Construction Works Begin at New Hindmarsh Location

South Australia’s First State Disability Inclusion Plan

Mobo Group Hindmarsh Construction Works

Initiative and Potential

The Attitude and Enthusiasm Difference

Mobo Group Support the Disability Royal Commission

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